Art Schools
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Art Schools
Find art schools and colleges based in countries such as Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Includes schools in major cities like Zurich, Berlin and Florence teaching classes that include fine art, illustration, photography, design, fashion, and more.
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Florence University of the Arts
The Florence University of the Arts is located in the historic center of Florence, and offers students the opportunity to live in the heart of this beautiful Renaissance city while experiencing modern Florentine life. FUA offers courses in fashion design, interior design, jewelry design and painting.
Berlin University of the Arts
Located in Berlin, Germany; The Berlin University of the Arts encompasses the full spectrum of the arts and related academic studies in more than 40 courses, including painting, wood work, textiles, architecture, fashion design, music, the performing arts and more.
University of Barcelona
Located in Catalonia, Spain, The University of Barcelona's, Faculty of Fine Arts offers degree programs in painting, engraving, art history, design, restoration and more.
Zurich University of the Arts
Located in Zurich, Switzerland, The Zurich University of the Arts offers a range of programmes from further education opportunities to undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees in design, film, art, media, music, dance, theatre and art education.